The Ball Room
Theatrical play for young and old-er
The Way
Enter a calming, theatrical and sensory space where ball-shapes (small and large) are your inspiration for play.
Accompanied by an evocative original soundscape, you are invited to move through this darkened space to begin the journey in exploring your physical, reflective and imaginative sense of play.
Wonder through the shafts of light and create your own mini sculptural shapes, discover glowing objects and more.
This experience has been designed to captivate both children and adults alike.
The Ball Room Projects developed a production design and schedule for The Way, whereby several small groups can journey through the experience at one time. Made up of 3 installation spaces, each space could accommodated 15 children + carers at once. This enables us to present an intimate quality experience for children and families whilst meeting larger box office demands.
Previous Presentations
City Of Melbourne - Moomba