The Ball Room
Theatrical play for young and old-er
The Ball Room
The Ball Room is a interactive theatrical event and it was our companies debut work.
Through the development of this work we began investigating the importance of play for multi-generational audiences.
Show Blurb
In this experience, your sense of play is the fabric of the performance.
Embark on a journey through highly theatrical environments that inspire the imagination.
Performers physicalize a poetic narrative and let you follow the trajectory of OVER 2000 BALLS onto the stage!
Here we bend the rules of the theatre and truly let you play.
Crafted to a stimulating soundscore and accompanied by live musicians, this experience will have you bouncing to a beat and dreaming of ballrooms from yesteryear.
The Ball Room is designed for children from 2-8 years of age and we encourage a 1:1 child to carer ratio.
The Performance Structure
The theatrical structure of The Ball Room comprises of a 1 hour journey through five different ball themed theatrical scenes (Turtle, Ping Pong Wow, The Ballroom, Bubbler Crabs and Moon).
Each scene has a structured moment of staged performance that falls directly into interactive play with the audience.
The BALL became central in the development of the work as an ancient symbol of play that is accessible across culture, gender and language.
Winner Green Room Award 2022 Participatory category for Contemporary & Experimental Theatre.